PHP Woes

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PHP Woes

Post by EntrancingKayla »

After many attempts, I finally got the host to fix the PHP version reset problem so this grand experiment doesn't cost an arm and a leg in 'your PHP level is too old to support' fees. The new version of PHP broke things pretty good, and a lot of the customizations I had added way back when broke.

I managed to get the board back up to a readable state, and I'll try to work on fixing any lingering problems as I have time. I can't guarantee how successful I'll be, and now might be a good time to grab a copy of your favorite information in case I break something I can't fix. I'm going to do my best, but I don't have a lot of free time these days.
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Nina Divine
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Re: PHP Woes

Post by Nina Divine »

And here I thought the library had been abandoned.
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